International student’s last year of university

The plane ride when summer is over, when you part with your sobbing family on the airport, trying hard to hold your tears because you don't want the other passengers to see you cry - happened again, as my new university year started. I already feel like it will be like none before. In reality,... Continue Reading →

Barcelona Diary

Two weeks ago my so-badly-expected trip to Barcelona ended and I came back to my hometown. And I must say that the experience was one of a kind and is by far my favorite destination i've been to. Barcelona is one of a kind in not only architecture, but also by spirit. When I was... Continue Reading →

Goals and Happiness

EXAMS ARE OVER! I managed to finish the second year of my university life with considerably pleasing academic results.  I am quite proud of myself to the extent where my self-doubt doesn't reach. It was hard, I can even say the hardest year of student life I have ever experienced (or was it in 10th... Continue Reading →

Sunny days in Berlin

I am quite the history lover you see, especially when it comes for the World Wars. I’ve beеn such since the 11th grade when I signed for a history profiled class and got this amazing teacher. We had this love-hate relationship for two years, but on my prom when we said goodbye and tears started... Continue Reading →

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